Latest FREE DINGTONE & TalkU Credit HACK 2018


I'm going to show you how to get unlimited credits on talk you and think 

Don you are going to get at least 100 credits per day so this video is all going to be in English I have made four to five videos in order Hindi so I got a lot of complaints a lot of people do have problems in understanding these videos so I thought I should make a video in English and I will try my level best to explain eat and everything in this video so if you still have some problems you can comment below and I will try my level best to answer all of your problems all of your issues but briefly I'm gonna explain you right now you have to buy a lottery after that you have to install some sponsored apps and after that the final step is you are going to check your lotteries result and boom you cannot catch 50 credits on Tokyo and 50 on ting-tong with guarantee so LIKE this video and subscribe to my channel and you can press the bell again as well and if you get 50 credits do not hesitate to share this video with your friends so  they also would get 50 credits at least so we know we're seeing more time let's get started [Music] so guys let's start this video, first of all, you have to connect monster VPN you can download it from play store and the downloading link I will give in the description below you can download from there and after installing Monster VPN or runs on your unseen online you have to connect this VPN to the US server ok after connecting the u.s. server then you have to open the in turn now I'm gonna open my ding-dong and after that you have to click on get free credits click on daily lottery okay follow my steps and then click test my luck and then after that click on go you will buy a lottery and three credits will be deducted from your account so after that click on boost or luck and the day you will get sponsored apps so you have to download three to four sponsored apps right now I'm gonna click back and then again gonna reload it and now I get an application and going to click on it and it will automatically redirect to the Play Store and then I will install it again clicking back and load again push your luck again and now you there you go you have got so many sponsored apps so you have to only install three to four applications for ding dong and the three to four applications for Tuck Yew okay so total application would be like eight seven eight applications we have to download and separate them okay I'm gonna skip this video quickly I'm gonna fast-forward this video right now and also you can get more and more ads so you will get at least one cut for one ad one advertisement will be played on your mobile so you will get one credit for each advertisement so as you can see these four applications I have installed for my ding-dong now I'm gonna open my talk you and you're gonna repeat the same process for my talk you by getting a lottery ticket and the three cars will be directing for one lottery ticket so click on boost your luck if you will so no apps click back and reload it again so I can't click on boost your luck and there you go we've got an application guys pie so I'm gonna install it right now so repeat the same process and you have to download at least four FP cases for that you have to watch this video and now I'm gonna stop this video right now because it is about six hours left in lottery results so you continue watching this video so welcome to the second part of this video so now it's time to check the lottery results so I have downloaded three four apps for Tokyo and four apps for ding dong and I also make them separated so they could not get mixed out so that can make trouble so if they will be mixed two you probably will get to 0 quick credits or five credits at least so remember that make them separate for each so right now I'm gonna open my ringtone apps first and if you have to open them for like for one one minute or 30 second or forty seconds the play or whatever do whatever you want so I'm just gonna randomly click or clicking on these apps just we have to click on these apps for like 30 seconds or one minute okay mmm table it is saying and remember that your VPN must be connected while you're checking your lottery results okay remember that I already have connected my VPN cuz I'm using this these applications in my PC in my computer so that's why I have connected my computer's VPN computers or virtual network so that's why I have no need to connect for my for my player so click on second applications and again play for 30 seconds and repeat the same process okay we're gonna open all these applications quickly so guys as you saw in this video I've shown you how you can get 50 credits on ding dong and 50 credits on Tucker I will make four to five millions more videos so and in these videos I will tell you how you can get more and more cats by completing offers and buy some using some tricks so to get a more
exact address do not forget to subscribe to my channel and also like this video and if you have any if you still face any problem any issue you feel free to ask me in the comments below I will tell you I will tell you I will help you and I will try my level best to answer all of your questions on all of your queries all of your problems and you can follow me on Instagram Facebook and on my website as well so before going anyway like this video if you go if you will like this video I will be happy so do not forget to subscribe subscribe subscribe so that's it see you the next video till then goodbye and take care what does perfect even mean is there even such a thing can we switch our rules and imagine our utopia I'm so fed up .


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