Hi guys welcome back to another video so today I'm gonna be doing a tip-top hidden features or secrets 


but this is just for people who like are not familiar with musically so if you like use musically quite a lot then you probably already know these hidden features and stuff so I'm not gonna do the screen recording because I feel like it's easy to show you I just did a video using the screen recording and it just didn't come out well I'm gonna also be doing some duets on musically if you want to do it just subscribe to my youtube channel and also stay active and yeah let's get that okay so the first feature is the QR code feature which is there it's those little boxes so if you click that all happen is like this QR code will pop up so to scan that what you want to do so you when just gone to the search button and then click here so this comes up with a camera that can scan your QR code so I'm going to do is go onto another device and get the QR code so what you do is just scan that and we'll all do it'll take you to our account let's say you want to do this on a half stripe just right you want to go to the arrow and then go on QR code and do the same thing so get your cure get your camera thingy scan it and it will just take you to the same hashtag just that one let's try this in the sound so it's on to my recent sound that's a QR code on the arrow I can do the same thing so that also take you to that same sound so that's really good if you want to just quickly find the sound or something so the next feature is the slow-mo hack feature and I've done a video on this but this is just a quick one just to for people who don't know how to do it so what you want to do is when you when you want to convert from that one to this one you press them both at the same time when you take it off it automatically comes to that one so that's just slow my hack you just basically press them both at the same time when you let it go it comes to that one so that just makes your transition more smoother the next feature is from this new update so there's these four little boxes you just click that and what happens is you can actually change the length of your video you can either switch it to 60 seconds or 15 seconds so that's a really good feature and you can also use flash or no flash so because there used to be a flash option here but basically if you want to get the flash now you need to go into that three those four boxes and click flash the next feature also you set this in my other video but it's for saving face filters so it's similar to the other one basically what you want to do say say if you want to save this filter you need to press this button here and what happens it actually saved to your saved options so that's really good if you want to save your filters and if you want to find your filter you don't have to look through all of these you can just click your favorite one so that's a pretty good feature I'm a lot of people don't out don't know how to go live but it's really easy to go live I've also done a video on there so I will spit that in the description on how to go live but all you need to do is press that plus button and then press go live and you'd actually just go live another hidden feature is that if you want to see how many exact hearts you get you just press that and it tells you how many hearts you received in the exact number because on here it says 8.2 million hearts but when you press it it says the exact number so like if say if you're really close to eight point three million you know how close you are to eight point three million so at the moment I'm at I don't know how to read that but yeah that many parts so yeah the next thing is that you can save your videos as private so you just click the three dots and then swipe here and then you go on to private and what will happen is that it's just private no one can see it so that's good and you can also just that video to public so you can just set videos to public and private it so yeah that was pretty much all the features so if you already knew all them this is just for people who don't really know those features so if you haven't already make sure you follow mine tick tock which is mini Krish and also just follow my Instagram and that's also a mini Krish if you want a duet make sure you send proof on my Instagram that you've subscribed on DMS so I know that you should subscribe and yeah I'll see you in my next video.
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